

At Dockside fitness Liverpool we understand the stigma attached to Crossfit workouts and that they can appear daunting and intense.

Our aim is to take aspects of CrossFit workouts and turn them into enjoyable training sessions. With a wide variety of equipment available it doesn’t matter if you use a 15kg bar or a 50kg bar or even if you finish the workout at all! At Dockside we believe you do what your body is capable of and to do your best without the pressure!

The average person works a 9-5 day we don’t expect you to be a elite athlete!!

And understand NO REP can sound ridiculous after a long day.

Our workouts are hard but as hard as you make them!

Our prices are more than affordable and fair.

Our atmosphere is friendly and energetic,

Just ask any Dockside member.DF #choosedockside