A bit of light


So today the government has announced that 1-2-1 personal training can take place as long as they are outdoors and adhere to social distancing measures!!

Perfect for all our lovely Dockside Fitness clients !! 💪🏻
With all the equipment you need to do your session available, and our runs already mapped out 400m/200m we are good to go !!

It goes without saying sessions will be weather permitting but you will not lose your session if it rains, we will simply reschedule a new time !

I’ve never been so excited to see all my lovely clients and get back to it 👏🏻

Due to sessions being outside we will offer the following prices;
2 x 30 min sessions per week for 4 weeks
2 x 45 min sessions per week for 4 weeks

Contact me to book yours…the diary is open with first client already booked for tomorrow 👏🏻